This Car Crash Stunt Almost Kill It’s Film Crew. How NOT to Film a Car Stunt, If Safety Fails!

An intense scene happened during the shooting of an unknown film featuring a car crash scene that almost wipe out its entire film crew. The spectacular failed car stunt, is one of the reason why a Twitter user posted a video titled “How Not to Film a Car Stunt,” which went viral on YouTube. The failed car crash stunt served as a warning for filmmakers the outcome if safety fails in shooting action scenes.

Watch the Failed Car Crash Stunt that Put the Lives of Its Crew at Risks:

Based upon the video posted above, the director shouts action as time p(–foul word(s) removed–), a car crashes through a truck, the car was seen out of control. It almost wipe out the entire film crew.

The incidents caught the entire film crew running for their lives, as they realize the severity of their action of not taking the appropriate safety measures before they film the car action scene.

The car bounces just in time to spare the camera rig, which seems to stay intact, an inch farther will put the entire crew at danger. The incident could have been one major disgrace. Fortunately, everyone seems to be alright but one of crew looked for someone among the wreckage of the damage vehicle.

The complete details of the film shooting was not revealed by Twitter user Larry Wright, the one who first posted the YouTube link to the micro-blogging site. Based upon the comments posted on the thread, the video was taken from Reddit.

According to various comments posted on Twitter and Reddit, the film seems to be Asian or taken from China. Some people involved in the video were also speaking the Mandarin Chinese language.

Failed Car Crash Stunt

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