Dying Cancer Patient Rowden Go Pangcoga Marries Girlfriend Leizl (Viral Video)

The wedding video of a dying cancer patient Rowden Go Pangcoga, who married his girlfriend Leizl, is currently circulating on social media sites with their decision which moved some netizens.

Hasset Go, the one who posted the video of Rowden Go Pangcoga and Leizl wedding in the video-sharing site, YouTube noted that he was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer in May 2014. Rowden told him  that his last request was to marry his long time girlfriend Leizl.

Rowden and Leizl Wedding Gone Viral

Related Post: Story Behind Rowden and Leizl Go Wedding

Since Rowden Go Pangcoga was in a difficult situation and can’t manage himself to walk down the aisle, his family organized a wedding ceremony at the hospital in-order to fulfill his lifetime dream along with his girlfriend Leizl and their adorable 2-year-old daughter.

Rowden Go Pangcoga and Leizl were supposed to get married on his 30th birthday last July 8, 2014. But because of his condition, his brother Hasset helped him fulfill his dream of marrying his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, less than 10 hours after Rowden Go Pangcoga and his wife exchanged their vows, the 29-year-old cancer patient passed away.

Rowden Go Pangcoga is survived by his wife Leizl May, daughter Zakiah Rowzel, mother Lorelei, and brothers Hasset & Hisham.

Meanwhile, the wedding video of Rowden and Leizl titled “The Wedding That Will Move You” garnered more than 262,968 page views as of posting.

2 thoughts on “Dying Cancer Patient Rowden Go Pangcoga Marries Girlfriend Leizl (Viral Video)”

  1. Hi , My name is Martha . In July 2010, almost few days after my birthday. I was disagnose with ovarian cancer. After this, i want to to get married because I wasnt sure of my condition. Now Im almost 4years. In July 8 will be my day. Unfortunately me and boyfriend at that time are no longer. I will dream one day. that day will come true. Im just bless I have a life to continue. Bless his sole.

  2. I love this video, so touching and I know the mother had to been beside herself but when the couple kissed, thats for the couple. Wondering why the mom entered into this by kissing over and over her sons hand while the couple was having their moment?


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