The original host of the top-rating show of the Kapatid Network, “Face to Face,” Tyang Amy Perez will return to its previous post as the “Pambansang Kapitana” when she will replace the current and outgoing host, Ateng Gelli De Belen.
The show which was dubbed as “baranga hall on-air” will be celebrating it’s fourth year in service to the Filipino people. They will be having a week-long anniversary episodes running week (April 8 to 12, 2013). The show will be having it’s new timeslot at 4:30 PM.
As part of Face to Face anniversary this coming Monday, April 8, the shwo will showcase a series of special episodes that feature the next talk-of-the-town stories, major confrontations and tear-jerking revelations-all in one week.
Tyang Amy Perez was previously replaced by Ateng Gelli De Belen when the latter had to take a break last July to attend to a delicate pregnancy. The show continued to touch the lives of ordinary Filipinos. The overwhelming popularity of Face to Face among the m(–foul word(s) removed–) has brought the two “Pambansang Kapitanas” closer to its loyal viewers.
Face to Face prominent personalities continuing to inspire the m(–foul word(s) removed–) includes, “Primero Sawsawero” Hans Mortel and Trio Tagapay0 namely Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) chief Atty. Persida Acosta and husband Atty. Benedicto Acosta, Jr., Fr. Sonny Merida, and Dr. Camille Caces-Garcia.