The funeral of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi took place in the Libyan Capital, Tripoli where around 2,000 people gathered for support and even NATO planes surrounded the area.
Saif al-Arab is the second youngest son of Col Muammar Gaddafi. Reports said that the 29-year-old son was killed along with the three grandchildren of Col Gaddafi when his compound was hit by NATO missiles on Saturday night.
At the funeral, two of Col Gaddafi’s son namely Saif al-Islam and Mohammed were present and dressed in traditional Libyan garb to pay respects to the funeral ceremony. However, Col Gaddafi himself was not there to attend.
Saif al-Islam is known to be the intended successor of Muammar Gaddafi. According to a particular news correspondent, Saif al-Islam arrived at the funeral in a heavily armoured vehicle along emotions visibly seen on his face.
Some weapons have been fired into the air, chants were heard calling for revenge while a number of funeral-goers brought placards saying “We are all with Gaddafi’s Libya”.
Various reports say that a green Libyan flag covered the coffin along with a wreath placed above it. The covered remains of Saif al-Arab Gaddafi was finally brought to Al-Hani Cemetery through a black ambulance.
Officials of the Libyan government said that during the attack on Saturday, Col Muammar Gaddafi together with his wife both stayed inside their compound in Bab al-Aziziya as they were able to escape from the place without getting harmed.
Although the NATO leaders admitted that there were strike in the Libyan capital last Saturday, officials were still into denials that the air raid on the compound of Gaddafi was one of the attempt for his (–foul word(s) removed–)(–foul word(s) removed–)ination.