Saudi Arabia Will Run Out of Oil in 2012

Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil producing country will run out of oil in the year 2012. According to the latest wikileaks documents from the whistle-blowing site, Saudi Arabia have overstated their oil reserved by almost 40%. Saudia Arabia’s oil production  was estimated at around 10.78 million barrels per day. Considered as the world’s largest … Read more

Wikileaks Discloses a Nuclear Smuggling Incident in the Philippines

Uranium - main component used for nuclear weapon

Wikileaks has latest disclosure on a nuclear smuggling in the Philippines that was made last 2007 about the sale of Uraniun. Wikileaks just release this statement on February 2, 2011. Uranium a very dense, radioactive metallic element, naturally occurring in most rocks, soil, and even in the ocean has been found under the Philippine territory. … Read more

WikiLeaks founder in dire need of cash

Julian (–foul word(s) removed–)ange the founder of the whistle blowing sites wikiLeaks that released confidential information in the internet have just signed a multi-million dollar book deal worth more than $2.7 million to be published in both the US and UK and will be serialized in newspaper. His autobiography will be the primary subject in … Read more