Obama To China: ‘Abide By International Law’

obama china

Obama To China’s Stand In the West Philippine Sea: ‘Abide By International Law’ United States President Barack Obama urged China to stop “flexing its muscles” over the West Philippine Sea issue after the International Arbitration court already issued a ruling in favor of the Philippines. According to a report by GMA News, China needs to … Read more

President Barrack Obama to Visit the Philippines on October, 2013

One of the world’s most powerful leader, US President Barrack Obama will visit the Philippines in October as part of the four-nation tour that will include his participation in the APEC Summit, the White House stated on Friday. Pres. Barrack Obama (Photo Credit AFP) Aside from the Philippines, President Obama will also visit Indonesia, Brunei … Read more

Menchu Sanchez: Filipina Nurse Invited to State of the Union Address

Menchu Sanchez

A Filipina nurse identified as Menchu Sanchez was invited by the President of the United States on his upcoming State of the Union address to be delivered this coming joint session of Congress on Tuesday (Wednesday Morning, Manila Time). Menchu Sanchez is a nurse at the New York University’s Langone Medical Center, she will sit … Read more

President Obama’s 2013 Inauguration Speech (Video Transcript)

Obama Second Inaugural Speech Video

The world’s most influential leader, President Barrack Obama sworn his second term as the President of the United States of America in one of the most well-attended gatherings of supporters and the American public delivers his inaugural speech. President Obama for the second time, (–foul word(s) removed–)umed the oath of the President of the United … Read more

Barrack Obama to Visit Myanmar and Other Asian Countries

Barrack Obama in Myanmar

The newly-elected President of the United States will visit Myanmar and will meet democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi and President Thein Sein. The visit will be the historic first visit of an elected and sitting US President which will surely boost a political reform drive. The President will deepen his administration’s support for the … Read more