Filipino Doctor Allegedly Helped Discover Erythromycin But Was Never Paid

Filipino Doctor Allegedly Helped Discover the Erythromycin But Was Never Get Paid Even After the Success Filipino Doctor – A Filipino doctor named Abelardo Aguilar allegedly helped discover erythromycin and made his employer filthy rich yet he was never duly compensated nor recognized for his efforts. A doctor from Iloilo, Abelardo Aguilar, worked for the … Read more

Dr. Gerard Francisco: Filipino Specialist Doctor of Congresswoman ‘Gabrielle Giffords’ of Arizona

Dr. Gerard Francisco

In 2007, many Filipinos complained about the lines released of Teri Hatcher’s character in the show as ‘Desperate Housewives’. “BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER…, CAN I CHECK THOSE DIPLOMAS, BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE SURE THEY’RE NOT FROM SOME MED SCHOOL IN THE ‘PHILIPPINES’?” This insulting line reached up to the spokesperson of the President … Read more