Barber Arrested after Stabbing, Mauling Customer in Lucena City

Police Arrest Barber After Stabbing, Mauling Customer in Lucena City Police authorities arrested a young barber in Lucena City, Quezon after he went raging leading to stabbing and mauling his customer. According to a Lucena City police report, a 23-year-old barber became enraged after receiving a complaint from a customer. Following that, the barber mauled … Read more

CCTV Footage Shows Policeman Assaulting A Mechanic


Policeman Attacked Mechanic During Operation, Caught Red-Handed In A CCTV Footage CCTV FOOTAGE – Recently, a police officer assaulting an old mechanic during a clearing operation was caught in a CCTV footage. Undeniably, there are people who would abuse their roles and exploit it just to earn cash or to show superiority. For example, a … Read more