Lt. Col. Antonio Ramon “Sonny” Lim a New Witness to Testifies on Military Corruption

Lt. Col. Antonio Ramon Lim

Another witness appeared before the senate on Thursday February 3, 2011, to attest the prevalent corruption in the AFP. Lt. Col. Antonio Ramon Lim a new witness that (–foul word(s) removed–)ert the statements of his former boss George Rabusa’s in his teary-eyed appearance before the lawmakers seeking his protection and for  his family. “Since the news … Read more

AFP Corruption Reports Blemished Soldiers Good Reputation


Spokesperson Eduardo Batac of Department of National Defense (DND) admitted that the alleged anomalies and irregularities in the Armed Forces have changed the morale and corrupted the reputation of a good soldier by the revelations of retired Army Lt. Col. George Rabusa during the Senate hearing last week over. It is very important that essential … Read more

Sam Milby a Filipino Actor Joins Two Motocross Competition

Sam Milby - Motocross Competition

Filipino actor Sam Milby is preparing himself for the National Motocross Championship this month of February and for the Asian Motocross Event next month March 2011. The two approaching competition makes the actor very busy. Sam had a previous background of motocross competition and even won as Over-all Champion for Beginners Open Production during Philippine … Read more

One More AFP Irregularity of $5 Million According to Mendoza

One more irregularity discovered by the House of Representative of $5 million unrecorded special funds in the military official book of the Armed Forces of the Philippine (AFP). Heidi Mendoza former auditor Commission on Audit (CoA) has discovered of $5 million after special audit on military funds conducted in 2005. She divulged the existence of … Read more

Japan Volcano’s Biggest Eruption in 50 Years

Shinmoedake volcano in Mount Kirishima begun erupting Wednesday January 26, 2011 at around 7:30 in the morning. By 3pm dark smoke ascended to nearly 5,000 feet prompting authorities to raise level 3 alert. The powerful explosion could be heard over miles away. Shockwaves shattered windows in building five miles across nearby Kirishima city. Hot rocks … Read more

Filipino Congressman Plead Guilty of Illegal Drugs in Hong Kong

Ilocos Sur Representative Ronald V. Singson pleaded guilty to illegal drug trafficking in Hong Kong Monday January 31, 2011. The 42 year old law-making-body-member is the son of Governor Luis Chavit Singson in the province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines. Representative Ronald Singson caught carrying 6.67 grams cocaine in his position worth about $2,000 July last … Read more

Uncontrolled Gun in the Philippines Rising

Philippine policemen were almost lost their good reputation being peacemaker and maintaining public order. Lately, several policemen were getting involved in different criminalities reported all over the Philippine country. In the since that police officer could not be able to protect civilians from any of the criminalities, therefore it is best option to every individual … Read more

Egypt’s Internet Shut Down

Over 20 million internet users have experienced “unreachable” to connect Eygptian internet address. Not only internet communication is blackout but mobile communication as well. In order to stop the hyperactive rebellion against President Mubarak in his thirty years malicious administration the Egyptian authorities seem to have ordered the internet provider to temporarily cut off all … Read more

Retired Colonel Exploded Bombshell in the Senate

Angelo Reyes

Former Armed Forces chief of staff Angelo Reyes took advantage the send-off gift (“pabaon”) of “more than” P50 million when he retired in 2001. Retired lieutenant colonel George Rabusa released a bombshell yesterday January 27, 2011 as he made his surprise appearance at the Senate blue ribbon committee’s initial hearing on the plea bargain between … Read more

Egyptian Protest

Middle East Egyptian Protest

The Egyptian protest Friday became bloody. There were 27 killed and wounding 35 people. Thousands of people were flocking in the street to join the protest. Cairo became the center area of demonstration. Several group of opposition persuaded supporters to participate the rally against the crock administration. The social networks like Facebook and Twitter and … Read more