Updated MacGuard as anti-virus installs on Macs without password

credit Intego
credit: Intego

Mac Defender was then a threat but just like any other malware, it changes name, and now an upgraded malware came out. And since its new and updated, it is characterize with a new feature, without asking a password, automatically if it happens to find access in Macintosh operating system, it will just install in the system and here it goes, the computer will be at risk.

If it was MacDefender before, now it is called MacGuard. And it will just install itself without even asking the admin for a specific password.

As its prime purpose, malwares exist to collect antimalware software fee even if it doesn’t exist.

AvRunner application is the root of the existence of MacGuard in Mac. Through the use of stenography, it hides an IP address. If ever a malware such MacGuard is detected in system, all the user has to do is to immediately cancel any activities on the system. Delete the unnecessary zip archive to minimize the spread of the malware.

This new AV is designed with utmost trick, if an unaware user happened to click files or links directed to the malware then it launches.

Mac users must be very aware about the links and pop-ups they are clicking since one of them might contain or lead them to malwares. As a warning, users, especially on Macintosh OS should get rid of themselves from goingto sites and pages that appears like Finder window .This sites seems to tell the users that they are scanning the windows. By visiting to this pages, the users might be not aware that through clicking, they are all already downloading something. If that happens, users must delete everything and the associated files on the downloads to avoid much deeper troubles.

As technology evolves, more and more tricks are on the net to find possible target.

To provide remedy for this problem, Apple will offer a software update for Mac OS X which will serve as automatic finder and remover of MacDefender and alike. Further, through this software, users will be inform through messages and alerts if ever a suspected malware is being downloaded.

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