Online News becomes the People’s Favorite

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Most people nowadays acquire news via online using their electronic gadgets.

Internet has become the dominating information gateway nowadays with the rise of computers and digital gadgets like smartphones and electronic tablets.

Because people make it a daily habit to spend a part of their time in front of the computer, they tend to be more updated through reading online news which seemed to move faster than those of the hard copies.

Reports say that the people favor to check out the latest news via online.

There is an organization called the Project for Excellence in Journalism which conducts an evaluation regarding the performance of the press. It says that the media such as cable television news, radio, magazines and newspapers have lost audiences on the previous years.

An increase of 17% last year compared from the year before was the result that came out when the eighth Annual State of the News Media was conducted.

According to Tom Rosenstiel, the project director, it was for the first time that the number of people that gathers information via online has already surp(–foul word(s) removed–)ed newspapers.

Mr. Rosenstiel added that people have become more accustomed to the fact that internet on this modern state, seemed to reside through their pockets with the portable electronic gadgets that made people enjoy the pleasure of ease and convenience.

Reports came out that in December, 41% of the US citizens have said that local and international issues they have known were through the news that they have gathered in the internet.

In view of business, the rapid rise of spending time searching for news in the web has not yet totally been tied up together by the news companies as online ad revenues came to overtake the print newspapers revenues in the year 2010.

Moreover, Mr. Rosenstiel have spoken that newspapers as well as TV stations are significant to be able to reach customers. However, in this point of time, it is the device makers and software developers that gain the advantage.

Observations come that there is a gradual decrease in the circulation of newspaper compared to that on the previous year.


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