English Poems: Here Are Some Personally-Crafted Literature Pieces about Love

List of English Poems You May Use In Your Project

ENGLISH POEMS – Here are some personally-crafted literature pieces that you can use in your projects or assignments.

Literature is one of the aspects in English. Poetry is one of the most popular works of literature and it evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience and emotional response. There are countless poems online and many of them customized while there are also those that are commonly cited.

English Poems
Photo from Early Bird Books

Are you looking for some English poems? Here are some examples of personally-crafted poems in English:

Things always end up with a thumbs up
Or worst it goes only with as if nothing’s up
They never had good night nor good morning
Never asked if they’ve eaten, that’s never a thing

It started with a talk as simple as alphabet
The talks become more irrational til they make a bet
As time pass by irrationals made a sense
After all, they talk and argue,nothing is ever dense
Until he throws hints she could never get He makes pattern that he secretly set

She asks for answer, he leaves confusions
He thinks she’s clueless but she has conclusions
He makes her think but they seem to think the same
He plays her thoughts but aren’t they played on this game?

Who is he, will she find it out?
When will they perfect the shade?
Why did he put up such interesting charade?

I don’t know how you do it
How your gazes would start a fire to lit

And your stares would make me feel
Like I am enough for always

How your flaws would define the perfection of my flaws
And the path your mind would take me to in complete awe

How this happiness would draw a curve on the lips
And how those lips would bring shivers down to every inch of my soul’s tip

I dont know which is which
But baby under your spell I am bewitched.

The silver he gave me during Christmas time,
Means more than a song, a poem, or a rhyme.
It reminds me of him who is so special to me,
And our incomparable friendship as it has always used to be.

It was the 23rd of December when he asked to see me
Though it was late at night yet we chose to flee.
We met in the sweetest place I have ever been,
We shared our truest smiles that no one has ever seen.

Words of dreams and funny memories came out of our mouths,
Happiness overflows that my heart almost wants to shout.
We tried to remember how we had this relationship,
“No boundaries, no limits” is how we knew our friendship.

A long talk was gone and he grabbed some- thing from his pocket,
Then handed me a little envelope as red as the shade of his jacket.
I opened it and surprisingly found a silver necklace,
That silver necklace that kept me strong amidst the trials that I have to face.

One cold summer evening, you passed by
In a flicker of a second you caught my eye
I felt something strange yet I don’t know why
It took me by surprise yet all I did was to sigh.

One cold summer evening, you looked around
Left and right you turned it was I you found
Our eyes met and my heart began to pound
Thud, thud, thud… I heard it sound.

One cold summer evening, you stopped over
You needed a shelter, there was I to cover
I gave everything needed for a rover
A home, a haven, and even a lover.

One cold summer evening, evening, our forever begun
Under the sky I was so stunned
You gave light into my darkened paradise
As you vowed never to tell lies

For one cold summer evening, you who came
Left a mark and unleashed the flame
It’ll never vanish oh this is not a game
I’ll forever be grateful for things would no longer be the same.

Aside from the English poems, there are also personally-crafted Tagalog poems that you can check.

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