4 Types of Sentences Based on Structure & their Examples

Guide on 4 Types of Sentences & their Examples

4 TYPES OF SENTENCES – Here are the four (4) kinds of sentence structures and the examples under each of them.

The English subject is one of those subjects with the widest scopes. There are topics that are considered basic while there are also those that are quite complicated. Thus, in schools, the lessons are taught on a step-by-step sequence so it would be easier for the learners to comprehend the topics.

One of the topics that are considered basic is the kinds of sentences. There are 4 types of sentences and they are based on sentence structures. Below, you can check their meaning and their examples.

4 Types of Sentences
Photo Credit: Insight Publications

4 Types of Sentences & their Examples

Declarative Sentence

This type of Sentence is a usually a descriptive sentence or it tells something and provides information. This sentence normally ends with a period.

  • Anthony and Precy went on a walk early today.
  • The teacher promised her students that she will give them chocolates.
  • The dog jumped for joy upon seeing its owner entering the gate.

Interrogative Sentence

This type of sentence asks a question to obtain information. It always ends in a question mark.

  • Did Anthony and Precy went on a walk early today?
  • Did the teacher promise her students that she will give them chocolates?
  • Did the dog jump for joy upon seeing its owner entering the gate?

Imperative Sentence

This type of sentence gives a command or order or tells another person or thing to do something. It may end in a question mark or a full stop period.

  • Anthony and Precy, go on a walk.
  • Bring them chocolates.
  • Please close the gate so the dogs won’t go out.

Exclamative / Exclamatory Sentence

Also one of the four (4) types of sentence based on an article on English Club is the exclamative sentence or more commonly called as exclamatory sentence. This type of sentence expressses strong emotion and usually ends in an exclamation point.

  • Close the door!
  • Ouch!
  • Yehey, they’re finally here!

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