California To Ban Gasoline-Powered Cars Following Wildfires

California Is Set To Ban Gasoline-Powered Cars

CALIFORNIA TO BAN GASOLINE-POWERED CARS – The state of California has shifted its focus to preventing their carbon footprint to fight climate change.

It’s been apparent that the change in climate throughout the years had severely affected California. Recently, the state had one of its worst wildfires to date with residents calling the scenario “apocalyptic”. Skies turned orange as hills were razed.

As such, California opted to ban gasoline-powered cars come 2035. “For too many decades, we have allowed cars to pollute the air that our children and families breathe”, said California Governor Gavin Newsom.

California To Ban Gasoline-Powered Cars Following Wildfires
Image from: Head Topics

Furthermore, he emphasized that cars shouldn’t make wildfires worse. Along with this, he said that cars shouldn’t melt glaciers and raise sea levels. As glaciers melt, California’s beach fronts and coastlines risk being flooded by the rising sea which would cause massive damage to property and lives.

However, according to an article from ABS-CBN, the order won’t prevent residents from owning gasoline-powered vehicles or selling secondhand models. Instead, it calls for partnerships from private businesses to speed up charging networks for electronic cars.

Luckily, Tesla, the leading electric car manufacturer in the US is based off California. Recently, it announced slashing battery prices to further advance a shift to renewable energy. Along with this, it said they could create a $25,000 self-driving car in the next three years.

With the advancements to technology and Tesla’s innovation, California could surely pave the way to a more sustainable future. Previously, the infernos across California, Oregon, and Washington have razed over 5 million acres, killed dozens, and destroyed thousands of homes.

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