Food With Nails Inside Fed To Street Dogs Goes Viral
STREET DOGS FED WITH NAILS – A horrid mistreatment of dogs went viral on the internet that had netizens and dog lovers furious.
A Facebook page named “All About Dogs” shared the horrific pictures of poor street dogs being fed food with nails stuck inside them. Starving, the dogs wouldn’t hesitate to eat the food.

The nails were stuck inside bread, hotdogs, and meatballs to attract the dog to its death. Swallowing nails would surely cause complications or even death to dogs that ingest them.

The poor creatures are clueless as to what would happen if they ate the food. The only thing that’s on their mind is probably surviving the day.
According to an article from Guiaba, the meatballs with nails stuck inside them are called “Don’t Touch Me” meat baits. Residents of Rio Grande found pieces of meat and bacon with needles and nails in several parts of the city.

As per the article, there was one dog owner that found her dog munching on one of the baits. She said she tried to stop the dog from swallowing it, but it was too late.
The authorities have stated that the allegations have yet to be confirmed. However, they said that they are already aware of the actions.

Recently, on December 27, an article from Libremundo was uploaded that warned people to check food on the streets if you notice something strange.
Apparently, there have been rampant and sick inhuman jokes against street animals. Following the same pattern with the incidents above.
People would hide small nails and pins inside sausages and leave them in the streets for some hungry dog to find. They advised that checking the food could possibly save an animal’s life.
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