Are You in Favor of Prohibiting Classes From Starting Earlier than 8:30 am?

Bill Seeking To Prohibit Classes To Start Earlier than 8:30 am Pushed

CLASSES – Are you in favor of prohibiting classes from starting earlier than 8:30 in the morning?

In the Philippines, most classes in the private and public schools start earlier than 8:30 in the morning. Often, flag ceremonies are held between 7:15 to 7:30 in the morning and it is followed by the first period subject.

Usually, 8:30 am is already the start for the second period subject in public and private schools. Some schools and grade levels got double shifts daily thus there is a need to start the educational activities early.

However, due to the very early start of classes, there are parents who are worried about their children’s health. A lot of kids don’t get enough sleep at nigh as assignment and projects have to be done at home.

Also, parents have to wake up very early in the morning to prepare their children in going to school. Some also have to leave early to avoid the traffic and keep up with the flag ceremony schedule.

On the other side, there are schools that are implementing double shifts – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Delaying the start of class in the morning may have greater effect to the ones in the afternoon sessions.

The talks about the start of classes in private and public schools started after Bacolod City Representative Greg Gasataya penned a bill seeking to prohibit classes from starting earlier than 8:30 in the morning.

The House Bill No. 569 covers both public and private schools. The Bacolod Representative stressed in the proposal the workload of the students under the K-12 Curriculum.

The authorities, the parents, and the students got different views regarding the start of class hours in the Philippines.

How about you? Are you in favor of prohibiting classes from starting earlier than 8:30 am?

Feel free to air your opinion in the comment section of this independent survey below. You may also share this article on social media and let others express their views too for a healthy discussion over the matter.

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