Say Goodbye to Smelly Feet With These Effective Products & Tips

Having smelly feet is actually a medical condition called Bromodosis.

It is caused by the build-up of sweat which results in the growth of bacteria on the skin which is responsible for the bad odor, making your feet smelly.

And before you’ve become frustrated after having this kind of condition, take note of these budget-friendly products and tips courtesy of

1. Make sure your that your feet, particularly the areas between your toes are dry before wearing your shoes

2. Use foot powder which helps to control the perspiration and absorb the wetness.

3. Wear a pair of fresh socks daily.

4. Wash your feet with warm water and foot scrub before going to bed.

5. Wipe your feet with a clean towel, then rub it with foot lotion or petroleum jelly will do. This step is not just for the odor, but for the texture of your feet.

6. After drying your feet, do not forget to wear socks.

Find time for a foot soak at least once a week and clean or change the insoles of your shoes once a month.

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