Find Out What Are the Causes and Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Wrinkles are the result of the loss of collagen in our skin, making our face and other parts of the body appear crinkled.


Many claims that it occurs naturally, especially for those who are aging.

But the good news is that there are practical ways on how to avoid having rugged skin.

According to dermatologist Dra. Jean Marquez, aside from aging and stress, the primary cause of having wrinkles is smoking.

Among the remedy for wrinkles is through undergoing botox injection to rejuvenate the collagen on the skin. The results may be seen after three to five days.

However, the effect of botox injection may not be permanent because the wrinkles may appear anew after four months.

Meanwhile, here are some of the home remedies to somehow get rid of wrinkles.

1. Applying beaten egg unto your skin: An egg has B vitamins and vitamin E which helps to rejuvenate the skin.
2. Applying sliced lemon unto your skin: Lemon has an acidic property which helps to lighten the wrinkles.
3. Applying olive oil unto your skin: Use/apply olive oil before sleeping. It is rich in polyphenols, a type of anti-oxidant which helps fight against free radicals, which damages the skin.
4. Sunblock: One of the causes of wrinkles is the overexposure to the heat of the sun, that’s why you should use sunblock more often when going out of the house.

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