Surprising Health Benefits Of Baking Soda And Castor Oil Mixture

Combination Of Baking Soda And Castor Oil Surprising Health Benefits

The combination of baking soda and castor oil can treat numerous types of illnesses and has surprising beneficial effects to the body.

Castor oil is known for its numerous health benefits for the body’s health and can resolve various types of illnesses. This oil can be obtained from a plant called ‘ricinus communic,’ which has ricinoleic acids.

This oil has been traditionally used by ancient people in Egypt in treating different kinds of diseases and it was also used for promoting good blood circulation in the body. It has also the ability to treat joint pain by applying the oil in a compress.

Castor Oil

Baking soda is mostly used for baking purposes, but it also contains health benefits on the body. It is also known as sodium bicarbonate, which has the ability to resolve some health issues and help smokers to quit smoking.

Here are the best health uses for the combination of castor oil and baking soda.

  • Mixture of castor oil and baking soda can lighten the dark skin
  • Removes stretch marks by simply applying and massaging it on affected areas
  • Heals wound, cuts, burn, and other skin issues
  • Removes pilonical cyst
  • Relieves inflammation and itching
  • Prevents snoring by rubbing it on the chest
  • Removes warts
  • Eliminates fungi
  • Cures diarrhea
  • Remove callouses by massaging it on the affected areas
  • Fight allergies
  • Removes wax plugs by applying 1 drop of the mixture in the ear
  • Cure cataract

Castor Oil

The mixture of this 2 powerful home remedies can be used as an alternative to expensive treatments and medication in some hospitals and clinic. Aside from being an affordable remedy, it is also effective in treating and preventing several health problems.

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