Is there any chance that mosquitoes will be faced out of the planet?
Maybe Yes. Maybe No.
Mosquitoes as an insect despite it’s’ size is one of the common causes of diseases hitting people. Their body had served as vessel of different types of viruses or bacteria that once being transported to human body may eventually led to death if not being treated immediately such as malaria and dengue fever.
In Sub-Saharan part in Africa, studies were conducted in order to treat and to minimize the existence of malaria cases however, this past few days, researchers and scientists found out that there was a declining record of the number of mosquitoes present.
Several factors were being considered by the scientist as to be the caused why there was a declining number of mosquitoes carrying malaria in African region.
One of the factors seen was climate change. Further explained, due to climate change, rainfall had been coming untimely in some places in African region such as in Tanzania. It was described that as result to climate change, rainfall in Tanzania had been “chaotic”.
Another reason that was eyed by scientists and researchers to be the contributing factors of the decline was the effective implementation of control programmes such as the use of bed nets in order to trap mosquitoes.
Due to the decreasing number of the presence of malaria carrying mosquitoes, malaria cases had also dropped.
According to the study lead author, Professor Dan Meyrowitsch (University of Copenhagen), who mentioned that climate change is not the whole thing why mosquitoes dropped in number, but it must be due to chaotic rainfall, had also cited that other scientists were saying that they can no longer test their drugs due to the fact that there were no longer cases of malaria to children.
Moreover, what bothers the scientists like Prof. Meyrowitsch was the fact that if the mosquitoes will not be totally eradicated and if they gain back their number, epidemic of malaria cases is feared to occur and it would strike those young once who have been exposed to malaria for over the past five to six years.
Once the mosquitoes return, they might be carrying much stronger types of viruses.