Vice President Jejomar Binay’s SWS Satisfaction Ratings Bounces Back

The second highest official of the country, Vice President Jejomar Binay’s satisfaction ratings bounces back according to the Social Weather Station (SWS) survey. For the past few years, the Vice President’s satisfaction rating continued its decline but right now the ratings bounces back.


Vice President Binay’s SWS satisfaction rating has bounced back to 64 percent, for a “Good” net rating of +42. Compared to the record-low satisfaction ratings of the Vice President, which he got in March 2015 with +31 satisfaction ratings, the ratings of the Vice President bounces back.

The ratings of the Vice President continuously dipped after the March 2014 survey, when he got an “excellent” +73, it went down to +67 in June 2013, +52 in September 2014, and +44 in December 2014.

According to the latest survey results released by the Social Weather Station and published in Business World, Vice President Binay got a 64 percent satisfaction ratings. Based upon the survey, 64% of respondents said they were satisfied with the performance of the Vice President, while 22 percent said they were dissatisfied and 13% undecided.


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