Giant Squid Found in California Beach Went Viral

A photo of a giant squid in Santa Monica Beach in California is currently making rounds online after the unidentified netizen who captured the photo posted it on various social networking sites and social media.

Giant Squid

According to the reports of a news website, the Giant Squid sizes for about 160-foot-long, however, based on some analysts, the photo is just another product of editing.

The news report claims that the Giant Squid was a victims of radiation from Fukushima nuclear power plant in Dai-ichi Japan in 2011. 

“Scientists believe that following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant an unknown number of sea creatures suffered genetic mutations that triggered uncontrolled growth – or “radioactive gigantism.”

Meanwhile, the National Geographic stated that the photo was a hoax citing that the largest squid only measures 43 feet or equivalent to 12 meters long which is far related to the  160-foot or 49-meter in length of the giant squid from head to tentacle tip.

Based on the reports, the authorities had already seized the exact location to prove the existence of the giant squid, yet the informants did not revealed any investigations regarding the giant  squid ashore the beach.

The fake image was feasted on various reports and blogs. The photo which trends worldwide garnered negative comments and (–foul word(s) removed–)umptions. Nowadays more images of newly discovered creatures seems to be real but later proven another sort of photo shop manifestation.

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